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There was a time when historians were fascinated with dates.

There were heated debates about the dates on which rulers

were crowned or battles were fought.In the common - sense

notion, history was synonymous with dates. You may have

heard people say,"I find history boring because it is all about

memorizing dates." Is such a conception true ?

     History is certainly about changes that occur over time. It

is about finding out how things have changed. As soon as we

compare the past with the present we refer to time, we talk of

"before" and "after" .

     Living in the world we do not always ask historical questions

about what we see around us. We take things for granted, as

if what we see has always been in the world we inhabit. But

most of us have our moments of wonder , when we are curious,

and we ask questions that actually are historical. Watching

someone sip a cup of tea at a roadside tea stall you may

wonder- when did people begin to drink tea or coffee? Looking

out of the window of a train you may ask yourself - when were

railways built and how did people travel long distances before

the age of railways ? Reading the newspaper in the morning

you may be curious to know how people got to hear about

things before newspapers began to be printed.

As such historical questions refer us back to notions of time.

But time does not have to be always precisely dated in term of

a particular year or a month. Sometimes it is actually incorrect

to fix precise dates to processes that happen over a period of

time. People in India did not begin drinking tea one fine day;

they developed a taste for it over time. There can be no one

clear date for a process such as this. Similarly, we cannot fix

one single date on which British rule was established, or the

national movement started, or changes took place within the

economy and society.All these things happened over a stretch

of time, an approximate period over which particular changes

became visible.

      Why , then, do we continue to associate history with a string

of dates? This association has a reason. There was a time when

history was an account of battles and big events. It was about

rulers and their policies. Historians wrote about the year a king

was crowned, the year he married, the year he had a child, the

year he fought a particular war, the year he died, and the year

the next ruler succeeded to the throne. For events such as these,

specific dates can be determined, and in histories such as these ,

debates about dates continue to be important.

      As you have seen in the history textbooks of the past two

years , historians now write about  a host of other issues, and

other questions. They look at how people earned their

livelihood , what they produced and ate, how cities developed

and markets came up, how kingdoms were formed and new

ideas spread , and how cultures and society changed.



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