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Winnie      :        Deer

Pogo          :        Tortoise

Anne         :        Giraffe

Bunny       :        Rabbit

Timsy        :        Ladybird

Tina          :        Tailor bird

Jojo           :        Zebra

It was a sunny day. Jojo had invited all his friends to his

birthday party.Everyone was excited. They were getting

ready for the party.

Bunny had gone to the saloon to get his fur brushed.

Winnie was looking at the dresses in her wardrobe. Anne

looked nice in her new shoes. Pogo had polished his shell. Tina

was busy preening her feathers.

They all gathered near a big banyan tree.

They were waiting for Bunny.

Winnie : ( Looking at her watch) We are getting late for party.

Tina : (Shaking her head) Bunny is never on time. He is

 always...    .Before she could finish, Bunny came running

wearing a bright red scarf around his neck.

Bunny : Sorry for being late.

Anne : But where is your car?

Bunny : Oh! My car broke down.

Pogo : Oh, no !

Winnie : Now let us not waste time. Let us walk down.

All Together : Yes ,yes,let us go.

In their excitement everyone forgot about tiny Timsy. They

forgot that Timsy could not walk along with them because

she was so small.

They had walked just a few steps when...

Winnie : Oh! Where is Timsy?

All of them : (Looking around) She is not here.

Winnie : I will go and look for her.

Tina : I, too , will come along.

Both went back to the banyan tree.And there Timsy was

sitting on a toadstool....

Big tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Tina wiped Timsy's tears.

Tina : I am a tailor bird. I can stitch a pouch for you to sit in.

She picked up two leaves and stitched a cute little pouch. She

also made a sling to hang it. Timsy hopped into the pouch.

Winnie hung it around her neck and off they went.

Soon they met their other friends. They reached Jojo's house.

And what a lot of fun they had!



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