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Ankit and Radhika were sitting in the balcony with their

grandma. They saw two sparrows. The sparrows were trying to

build a nest on the narrow ledge. Everytime they kept a twing

or a piece of straw, it fell down.

Grandma said, " Poor birds."

Radhikasaid, " Grandma , will you teach us to make a bird

house?" Grandma smiled and said," yes let us make one."

Then she turned to Ankit and Radhika and told them to bring:

*     a small cardboard box

*     a pair of scissors

*     a sheet of brown paper

*     a pencil

*     a glue stick

Ankit ran in and brought the box.Radhika got the rest of the

things.Grandma first drew a circle on the broader side of the

box. She cut the circle neatly. The opening was big enough

for the birds to go in and out easily.

Then , she cut the brown paper according to the size of the box.

Ankit applied glue on the paper. Radhika posted the paper all

around the box. Grandma cut the brown paper at the circular


Grandma then cut a triangle . Radhika pasted the brown paper

on it. The tringle was pasted on the top of the bird house.

Now, the bird house was ready.

Grandma fixed a nail on the wall in the balcony. She made a

small hole at the back of the bird house to fix it on the nail.

Finally, the bird house was fixed on the wall.

Next day, Radhika and Ankit saw the birds bringing in straw.

They were making a nest in the bird house. So, their bird house

had a guest ! They were delighted.

Would you like to make a bird house too?

learn the meanings.

ledge       -    a narrow shelf

twing      -    very thin branch of a tree

delighted-    very happy



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