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3rd Grade :VERB FORM: Alphabet p,r,s

            Simple               Past Tense            Past Participle

80)       pay                    paid                       paid

81)       prove                proved                   proved

82)       put                    put                         put

83)       quit                   quit                        quit

84)       read                  read                        read

85)       rend                  rent                        rent

86)       ride                   rode                        ridden

87)       ring                   rang                        rung

88)       rise                    rose                         risen

89)       run                    ran                          run

90)       saw                    sawed                      sawed

91)       say                     said                         said

92)       see                     saw                          seen

93)       seek                   sought                     sought

94)       sell                     sold                         sold

95)       send                   sent                         sent

96)       set                      set                            set

97)       sew                     sewed                       sewed

98)       shake                 shook                        shaken

99)       shed                   shed                          shed

100)     shine                  shone                        shone

101)     shoot                  shot                           shot

102)     show                  showed                      shown

103)     shrink               shrank                       shrunk

104)     shut                   shut                            shut

105)     sing                   sang                            sung

106)     sink                   sank                           sunk

107)     sit                      sat                              sat

108)     sleep                 slept                           slept

109)     slide                  slid                            slid

110)     sow                   sowed                        sowed

111)     speak               spoke                         spoken

112)     spell                 spelled                       spelled

113)     spend               spent                         spent

114)     spill                  spilt                           spilt

115)     spit                   spat                           spat

116)     split                  split                           split

117)     spread              spread                      spread

118)     spring              sprang                      sprung

119)     stand                stood                        stood

120)     steal                 stole                          stolen

121)     stick                 stuck                         stuck

122)     sting                 stung                        stung

123)     strike               struck                       struck

124)     swear               swore                        sworn

125)     string               strung                       strung

126)     sweep               swept                        swept

127)     swell                 swelled                     swelled

128)     swim                 swam                       swum

129)     swing                swung                      swung



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