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 Once upon a time , far inside the valley of birds, there was a farmhouse , where a beautiful duck had laid some eggs and waited eagerly for them to hatch. She would sit lovingly on her eggs for a long time and leave them only when she had to feed hatched and the little ducklings came out of their shells making the jingling sound of tweet, tweet . The mother duck was very happy to see her beautiful little ducklings. She counted her ducklings carefully , and found that the biggest egg has not hatched yet.

 "Leave this egg," said an old lady duck who was passing by . "It is quite big. It must be a turkey's egg," guessed the old one.

"I have waited for a long time to see all my ducklings . I can't abandon this one just for a doubt ,' said the mother duck. "I will hatch this egg as well ," she firmly declared.

She regularly sat on that egg and gave it enough warmth to hatch . At last, the big egg hatched and a large grey - coloured fluffy duckling broke out of its shell.

"Phew," the mother duck cried ," how ugly you are !" When the other ducklings saw the poor grey duckling , they laughed at him. The mother duck was quite upset , but what could she do ?

"Let us go to swim ," said the mother duck to her ducklings . All the little ones followed their mother . Splash ! All jumped into the pond tweeting and quacking . The ugly grey one too followed his siblings.

"You swim so well that you can't be a turkey,"said the mother duck watching the grey duckling swimming so well . "At least it is clear that you belong to me.May be you will change into a beautiful duck when you grow up ," she hoped and left for the farmhouse along with her ducklings.

"Look ! What a loathsome creature it is ," exclaimed the crane when he looked at the grey duckling?" inquired the other ducks at the farmhouse.The mother duck again got upset to hear such comments.

Ashamed of having such an ugly duckling, she stopped taking the grey duckling to the pond.The little one would run behind his siblings to the pond. The poor grey duckling ! He would swim alone in the pond .

The other birds in the pond were no less cruel to the little grey duckling . The drakes , herons
 and roosters bit him with their strong and sharp beaks. On the land, the hens pecked at him. The turkey fluffed out her feathers and charged at him . He was not allowed to eat food with his siblings as they would chase him away as soon as he went near them . The poor duckling did not know what to do.

One day the mother duck was very disturbed about giving birth to such an ugly duckling. So she said the ugly duckling,"Go somewhere else!
you don't belong to us .

Sad and insulted , the ugly duckling left the valley for good in chilly winter. Tired and hungry, he spent a night alone on the marshes. He got afraid when he saw the wild ducks and slipped into a little hole inside a lying log. He began to live there.He would come out of that log only to feed himself when there were no birds around.

Soon the log into which the ugly duckling was living was filled snow . As such, he had to leave that place and was shivering in the freezing winter. The ugly duckling found some warmth in an abandoned stable, where he spent few nights inside a heap of dry oats.

"Mew !" came the sound from nearby . The ugly duckling leaped up to hear it. He remembered how his mother had onace warned his siblings against a big black cat with sharp claws and piercing jaws . He got horrified to see three little cats playing near the heap he was hiding in . He ran away before he could be seen by any of them.

He reached a house, crossing the green meadows and snowy lahes. He saw some swans flying in the blue sky. Astonished by their milky white beauty , he hid his ugly grey body behind a bush.

He decided to spend the winter inside the house. The children of the house wanted to play with him , but he would get frightened and run away, whenever they came near him.

Months passed by and the winter was over . One day , while running away from the children, the ugly duckling came out of the house. He suddenly realized that he could fly . He flew on until he reached a beautiful pond. He saw some swans swimming gracefully in the pond.

"If I could join them !" wished the ugly duckling. Always impressed with their beauty and splendor, the birdie wanted to join them, but being ashamed of his own ugliness, he could not dare to . With a sad heart, the ugly duckling glanced upon his own reflection in the pond.

"Good gracious !" he cried out of joy . " Is it me ?"

He could not believe his eyes. He was no longer a little ugly grey duckling. He was now a magnificent , ivory white , large swam. He joyfully joined the beautiful swans and swam gracefully in the pond with them.


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