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Towards a better me : Step 1 : CONTROLLING ANGER

                               MIRROR IMAGE

Bruno and Timmy were two pups. One day , Bruno and Timmy

found a yellow ball. Each tried to catch it in his mouth , but the

ball kept slipping out. Bruno and Timmy played with the ball 

every day. They would run after it and kick it and the ball 

would roll far away . One evening , it rolled into a strange-


The pups had heard that the house was full of mirrors , but 

they did not know what a mirror was or what it looked 

like. Bruno was scared to enter the house and stood outside . 

Timmy ran into the house and , to his surprise , found many 

pups inside. All of them looked just like him - black and white,

with short tails .

"They want to take my ball from me ," thought Timmy . He 

barked at the pups . The pups barked back at him. Timmy 

said to himself," These dogs have no manners . They bark so

rudely. And their angry eyes and bared teeth make them seem

like mansters."

"Grrrrr," went Timmy.

The pups growled too. Timmy ran towards the pups."Wow...

bow...bow," he snapped. He ran from one mirror to the other,

kicking the pups. In his fury, he banged his head against a 

mirror. " Ouch," he cried and sat down.

Bruno , who was waiting outside, heard the loud noises . He was

excited. He went into the mirror house , wagging his tail. Inside,

he was surprised and delighted to find many pups just like him 

. All of them were wagging their tails and smiling at him.

"All these dogs want to be my friends," thought Bruno."Let

me search for the ball. Then Timmy and I can play with these

new friends," thought Bruno.

He searched carefully untill he found the yellow ball . "Found 

it," barked Bruno happily . All the pups barked happily too.

Timmy told Bruno," It's time to go home." Bruno said to the 

pups," But we shall come back tomorrow to play with you."


*   Getting angry makes us behave badly .

*   We may lose our friends, if we get angry often.

*   When we get angry, we cannot think clearly.

*   When we are angry we say rude things to people.

Next time you are angry try doing one of these :

*   Count slowly from one to ten.

*   Take ten deep breaths.

*   Walk away and sit alone for five minutes.


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