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GK : Let's find out why glue doesn't stick to its tube?

You've probably noticed that glue sticks to pretty much everything it touches except its own bottle. Now that is a sticky problem! The white glue that most of us use made up of polymers and water. Water acts as a solvent * that keeps the glue runny*. When you put glue on a piece of paper or any object, the water evaporates and the glue dries and hardens. Now all that is left after the sticky polymers that binds things together. When the glue is inside a bottle, there is not enough air inside the bottle to cause the water to evaporate and harden the glue. The closer bottle protects the water in the glue from evaporating and keeps it runny. If you have ever left a glue bottle open for a while, you may have noticed that unfortunately, the glue dried up!


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