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3rd Grade : Social Studies : The Earth - Our Home

For thousands of years, people believed that the Earth was flat. In fact , they were afraid that if they travelled to the ends of the Earth, they might fall off its edges.

In recent times , astronauts have taken pictures of the Earth from the space. These clearly show that the Earth is round. Shaped like a giant ball, it is made of land and water.

The Earth is made up of 71 per cent water and 29 per cent lang. It is surrounded by a layer of air called the ATMOSPHERE.

Water is found in oceans, rivers, and lakes, as well as underground . life is possible on the Earth because of this water and also because of the air that surrounds it. Living things are found both on land and in water.

When we look out at a distance from a great night, the Earth appears to touch the sky. The point at revolution Earth and the sky seem to meet is called the horizon.

The Earth spins around an imaginary line running through its centre. This line is called the Earth's axis. The topmost end of this axis is called the North Pole and the end just opposite to it is called the South Pole. The Earth is slightly tilted on its axis and spins on this axis even as it goes around the sun along its orbit.

The movement of the Earth on its axis is known as rotation. One complete rotation of the Earth on its axis takes 24 hours. During this time , the Earth experiences day and night. The part of the Earth that faces the sun experiences day and the part away from the sun experiences night.

It takes the Earth 365 1/4 days to complete one round along its orbit around the sun. This movement of the Earth around the sun is called revolution. The revolution of the Earth causes seasons . There are four major seasons namely, spring ,summer, autumn, and winter.

Did You Know
Every four years, we have 29 days in February. This is called a leap year. The 1/4 day of the revolution every year is added up to one day, every four years. Thus , a leap year has 366 days.


Axis : an imaginary line that passes through the centre of the Earth from the North Pole to the South Pole.

Horizon: the point at which the Earth and the sky seem to meet

Revolution: the movement of the Earth around the sun

Rotation: the movement of the Earth on its axis

*    The Earth is the third planet from the sun.
*    The Earth is made up of 71 per cent water and 29 per cent          land.
*    The movement of the Earth spinning on its axis is called            rotation.
*     One complete rotation of the Earth on its axis takes 24               hours.
*     The rotation of the Earth causes day and night.
*     The movement of the Earth around the sun along its orbit         is called revolution.
*     One revolution of the Earth around the sun takes 365 1/4          days.
*      The revolution of the Earth causes four major seasons :             spring,summer,autumn and winter.


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