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Towards a better me : step 3 : Valuing Time

                    Where's the time ?

Once there was a boy named Rakshit who wanted to play all the time. His mother was tired of telling him to do his homework. Every evening , after school, Rakshit would play until it grew dark.

One morning, instead of going to school, Rakshit went to a nearby field. " I hope I find someone to play with, " he said to himself. "Ah! There's a farmer."

" Good morning, Uncle. Will you play with me?" Asked Rakshit.

" Not now, I am busy sowing seeds, " replied the farmer.

" Can't you do that some other time? " said Rakshit.

The farmer shook his head. " The rainy season is coming, " he explained, " and I have to sow the seeds before that. If I am late , the seedlings will not sprout. Then I will have no food."

Rakshit looked around for someone else with whom he could play. Observing some black ants scurrying about, he said hopefully, " Hello! Would you like to play with me?"

" Where's the time? We are collecting food for the rainy months," said the leader of the ants.

"But the rainy months are a long way off," said Rakshit. " you can collect your food later."

"If we play now, we will not be able to collect enough . Come back when the rains start. Then we will play with you," said the ant- leader.

Next , Rakshit saw some bees." Bees, will you play with me ?" He pleaded.

"Sorry, we are busy collecting honey," said the bees,not pausing in their task as they spoke.

"The sun is shining; it's a day to play ," Rakshit told the bees.

"It's on sunny days that the fields are full of Flowers. If we don't collect nector now , how will we fill our hives before the rains come?" asked the bees.

" Nobody knows how to have fun."Rakshit thought to himself. He played on his own until his stomach began to rumble. When Rakshit returned home, his mother scolded him."There are only a few days left for your exams. Why don't you study?"

Rakshit, however, continued to waste time. When he got his results, his were the lowest marks in the class.He ran home crying." I had no time to study.What could I do?" He said to his mother.

Rakshit's mother took him to the field.There , Rakshit saw the farmer, the ants and the bees. They were enjoying the dark clouds and cool breeze.Having finished their work on time, they were now having fun.

" I wish I had followed their example!" said Rakshit's mother. " Make up your mind to start studying today for your next exams which are not far away. "

Rakshit nodded."I' ve learnt my lesson, Mummy," he said." Never again will all play and no work make make me a dull boy!"


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