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One day , an elephant and a monkey quarreled. The powerful

elephant said,"Being strong is better than being clever."

The quick, clever monkey said ,"No! Being clever is better!"

The elephant and monkey could not agree , so they went to the


They asked the owl," Is it better to be strong or clever ? Please

tell us." The owl was wise and he thought for a while.

He said to the elephant and monkey, " See that big river over

there? I want you to cross it."

"When you reach the other side , you will see a tall coconut

palm," said the owl. "Pluck two coconuts for me."

The monkey was afraid because he could not swim. The

elephant said,"I will carry you." This way, they reached the

other side of the river.

They went to the coconut palm and saw that the fruit was at

the top. "Oh , dear !" said the elephant. "I cannot climb!"

"I can !" said the monkey. He jumped onto the coconut palm

and climbed to the top. Then he plucked a coconut.

When he had plucked two coconuts, the monkey came down.

The elephant was waiting for him.

Once again , the elephant carried the monkey on his back

across the river. Soon they were back with the owl.

The owl said ," If the elephant was not strong, both of you

could not have crossed the river."

"And if the monkey was not clever , both of you could not

plucked the fruits."

"So you see, being strong and being clever are just as good,"

said the owl. "You must learn to work together."

The elephant and the monkey looked at each other and said,

"Two heads are better than one!" Then they laughed and

walked off together.

MORAL : When people with different talents work together,

                   they can solve problems more easily.


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